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Demolition in Germany vs. Switzerland - the differences in demolition techniques

At first glance, demolition may seem quite straightforward: you take an old building and tear it down piece by piece. However, the methods of deconstruction vary significantly across different countries. A prime example of this can be found in the contrasting demolition techniques employed in Germany and Switzerland.

Demolition in Germany

In Germany, the longfront demolition machine is commonly used to quickly tear down tall buildings. The longfront machine allows large sections of the building to be broken down, which are then crushed and transported away by several excavators. This method produces a high proportion of pulverized waste, making the recycling of materials particularly challenging.

Demolition in Switzerland

In contrast to the German method, Switzerland emphasizes structural stability during demolition. Instead of rapidly bringing the building down, it is gradually dismantled piece by piece. This approach allows for safer and more precise work, as there is no need to constantly operate on a pile of rubble. Additionally, the Swiss method is deemed more sustainable, as the minimal production of pulverized waste facilitates easier separation and recycling of materials.

An exemplary case is the German company Metzner Recycling, which has adopted the Swiss demolition method as a model for its own operations.

Innovation in demolition: the Egli concrete crusher

By using the Egli concrete crusher instead of conventional demolition shears, an entire work step can be eliminated. Thanks to its innovative bionic jaw, the Egli concrete crusher can simultaneously break and chop the concrete. Additionally, it reduces the concrete to crusher-compatible material rather than powder, allowing it to be recycled as building material.